Janie is 11 months old today!!! Woohoo!! I don’t know what I was thinking when I decided to take a photo of Janie every month on a ROCKING CHAIR!! This little ball of energy doesn’t know how to sit still anymore and it was too risky taking her monthly photo today without a second person around. So, this photo will have to do.
Take a look at this outtake. She was going to give me a heart attack this afternoon during our photoshoot.
Our baby girl is quickly becoming a toddler and it’s so much fun but SO tiring now. She’s definitely grown into her personality and I’m so worried about what’s in store for us. She has a sense of humor, knows EXACTLY what she wants and lets us know, has an affectionate side that comes out occasionally, and still loves to eat.
Here are some highlights and stats from this past month:
- Janie has mastered crawling, cruising, and standing without support. She’ll take a couple steps if I hold her hands.
- She can squat down while holding onto something with one hand in order to pick up something off the ground. She also does a good kimchee squat without holding onto anything too.
- She has started drinking from her straw cup more consistently and taking a greater volume of fluids too.
- She can hold a bottle and drink from it as long as she’s reclined. That bottle gets heavy!
- She’s saying “mummum” for when she wants to eat. The other day I was eating something in front of her and she crawled over and said “mummum” all by herself.
- Janie went to Maui with her uncles and aunties for the first time. She’s scared of waves but still enjoys the pool.
- New foods: garlic noodles, saimin, chicken/rice porridge, papaya, and orange slices.
- Learned how to clap and knows the word clap in English and Thai.
- Imitates sounds: ma-ma, da-da, no-no (she’s heard this a lot lately), and mum-mum. She’s also babbling soooo much more now with variable sounds including both consonant-vowel and vowel-consonant combinations. This girl wants to talk so badly.
- She cries out loud and/or hits my hand when I take something away from her. This is something we’re still trying to fix.
- Still enjoys non-toy items over actual toys – especially remote controls and my mouse. She’ll actually take my hand off the mouse and then grab it with her other hand. So sneaky.
- She fought off another cold and got better before I did. Sheesh.
- Sleeps 9-11 hours per night and uses G-raffe only in bed now. *sniff sniff*
- She experienced two time changes jet lag to and from Hawaii as well as Daylight Saving Time. Luckily it wasn’t too difficult for her.
- She now hates getting her diaper changed about 75% of the time and fights getting into the stroller about 50% of the time.
- Janie’s cheeks have slimmed down just enough for her left dimple to make a comeback this month.
What a month it has been! No wonder I’m so tired. The countdown to turning ONE has officially begun. I don’t know if I’ll be relieved or sad when she turns one next month. I guess we’ll have to enjoy this time while it lasts.
Happy 11 Months, Little One! We love you!
1 Comment
Can’t wait to see little Janie on her BIRTHDAY! What a difference a year makes =)