12-month Check-up


Janie went to see the doctor today for her 12-month check-up. I was so blown away that she’s now at a point where I don’t have her on my lap in the waiting room anymore. She enjoyed the toys in the waiting room and in the exam room. She got a shot in both thighs and a toe stick for a blood test. Turns out she’s anemic and she needs to eat more iron. We’re gonna need to make some pâté and red meat for her!

Here are her stats:
Weight = 22 pounds (67th percentile)
Height = 29 inches (47th percentile)


Her weight and height have slowed down a lot and she’s now in the normal range (25th to 75th percentile). Our fatty baby is normal?! Amazing. I guess she’s moving and burning all the milk she’s drinking.

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