13 months

13 months

Our Baby Girl is 13 months old today.  So much has happened this past month:

  1. Janie has learned how to walk and even tries to swing her arms too.
  2. She can get up from the floor on her own and squats like a champ.
  3. She’s transitioned to whole milk entirely now and drinks it both warm and cold.
  4. Janie figured out how to put the coins in her toy piggy bank.
  5. She also understands “out” and “in”.  She likes to take all her toys out of the bucket and then puts them back in.
  6. Blowing raspberries is what she does for fun when she’s bored.
  7. Janie has a molar on the lower right gum and we see a canine popping out next to it too!
  8. She took a trip to Portland for the first time and it’s getting harder to fly on the plane with her.
  9. Janie can touch her head when you ask her to.
  10. She knows how to safely get down from the sofa by herself.
  11. She slept in a crib for the first time.
  12. She’s trying so many new foods that I can’t seem to list them all but some of them include mac and cheese, pizza, doughnut, liver, cake, and croissant.
  13. Janie learned how to make a cheesy smile and it’s pretty funny.
  14. She can eat from a snack container by herself now.


I love this kid.  She brings us so much joy and it’s hard to believe that she’s grown this much already.



Where’s the pause button when you need one?!

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