14 months


Look who turned 15 months today! It’s hard to believe that he’s a full-fledged toddler already.


He’s done some cool things this past month:

  • Gross Motor: He’s been taking at least 3-4 steps on his own and can walk even farther by holding someone’s hand. He also learned how to stand up from the floor but Mama hasn’t been able to catch it on video just yet. He also likes to sit in his big sister’s reading chair and will also climb up onto the backrest. In Mexico, he learned how to climb up a few steps too.
  • Fine Motor: Big sister taught him how to clap his hands. He also mastered putting the coins in the piggy bank toy.
  • Speech: He says “na-na” for milk and makes lots of different sounds. His favorite sounds are “zh-zh”, “sh-sh”, and “ba-ba-ba-BAH!” Of course, “mama” is still a constant sound and we can’t tell if means Mama, more, mas, or mum-mum. It probably means all of them depending on the situation.
  • Social: He LOVES watching big sister and has been playing with her more too. We’ve really turned a corner with the two kids finally entertaining each other for prolonged periods of time now. He enjoys imitating sounds and gestures that she makes too.
  • Development: This boy has been a really big drool monkey and finally had two upper canines and two first molars pop out. He’s still drooling so I’m sure there’s more just waiting to cut through very soon. He’s still in Size 4 diapers and 18-24 month clothes.
  • Sleep: He falls asleep each evening very easily and sleeps through the night most nights now. Unfortuately, he’s still an early bird and will wake up around 6am talking to himself. He still takes two naps during the day and does best when he’s in his own bed (versus outside in the stroller).
  • Fun stuff: Mexico, train to San Jose, Muir Woods, Big Sister’s soccer practice, Dada and Mama’s birthdays
  • Favorite foods: sandwiches, bananas, really any fruit, broccoli, any meat, and noodles. His most favorite thing to do is feed himself with his fingers versus having Mama feed him with a spoon. He’s also drinking all his milk from a straw cup and he has his very own water and milk thermos when we go out.


He has been so much to have around and has become our comic relief for the family. It’s like having a human emoji in the house. He can go from super happy to super mad within just seconds of each other. He definitely doesn’t like it when you say “NO!” to him and will cry with you if he sees someone else crying. He will also laugh and smile so easily and seems to make friends with everyone he meets.


Happy 14 months, Peanut! We love you!


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