16 months


Peanut turned 16 months today and has really become quite a little boy and less of a baby this past month. Here are the highlights from this past month:

  • Gross Motor: Peanut is walking farther, squatting, coming to stand from the floor, and climbing stairs/furniture. His favorite thing to do is climb into his stroller and stand up in it too.  Makes Mama super nervous but he loves it.  He is also really into picking up big objects with both hands and carrying them around the room.
  • Fine Motor: This guy has been doing all kinds of stuff including using a fork on his own, making hand motions with favorite songs, and playing with his sister’s tea set.
  • Speech/Language: It seems like he’s understanding so much more. He has some new words including “wow”, “ba-bo” for his hippo pacifier, “dats” for thank you. He also babbles plenty and we don’t really know what they mean yet. He is also signing with a lot more intention. He uses the signs for “eat” and “open” the most. Also, when he sees a dog (especially his doggy plush), he makes a high-pitched “wow-wow” sound.
  • Sensory: He still loves the swings at the playground and got reacquainted with sand today. He LOVES playing in the bathtub and splashing his sister. He went swimming in the hotel pool today and has been pretty fearless so far. He also does a little dance everytime he hears any kind of music. He does a head bob or a full-body wiggle. He continues to enjoy story/music time at the library and knows “Twinkle Twinkle”, “Wheels on the Bus”, and “Itsy Bitsy Spider”.
  • Growth: Size 5 shoes, Size 18 and 24-month clothes, Size 4 diapers
  • Activities: Election Day voting with Mama, Thanksgiving with family, and Hawaii!!




Happy 16 months, Peanut!! Love you!

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