168 days

Janie is 24 weeks old today!  This week past weekend we went to storage and brought out Janie’s 9-month and 12-month clothes (just like the one she’s wearing in this photo).  Most of her 0-6 month clothes were packed away and I had a little walk down memory lane.  We also brought out all the toys that we had kept stored away for her since they were for 6 months and up.  So this week, she’s had a whole new stock of toys to explore.

One “funny” behavior that Janie’s started this week is nodding her head side to side (like she’s saying “no”) when she doesn’t want something.  For example, when I tried to wipe her nose or take off her shirt, she’d quickly nod “no” back and forth.  Uh oh…she’s becoming a little person.  We’re in store for some trouble.

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