I can’t believe he’s two month old already! This month has been all about fattening up and growing for him. Here are some highlights:
- He has outgrown his 3-month clothes and the 3-6 month clothes are getting stretched out to the max. I had to buy some 6-9 month clothes the other day and there are some outfits that he outgrew before I could even try the on.
- He’s still in Size 1 diapers at home but we put him in Size 2 when we go out.
- He loves baths now and smiles whenever he gets his head washed.
- Speaking of, he’s smiling now!! It’s such a nice change from the default scowl that he typically has on his face. Too bad I couldn’t get one on his quilt photo.
- Peanut is also quite a talker. He likes to coo and imitate sounds and facial expressions. I’ve heard “hoo”, “oh”, “gah”, “goo”, and of course “MA!”
- This month, he got to meet Ta (Mama’s dad), Uncle Johnny, Auntie Joy, and cousin Alice. We also had to say goodbye to Yai when she flew back home to Cerritos this month.
- We took two trips to Napa this month and Peanut stayed in a hotel for the first time.
- He celebrated both Dada and Mama’s 40th birthdays and also met some of their closest friends and their kids.
- We also picked up his birth certificate, made a passport, and took him to the Golden Gate Bridge this month.
- Peanut has found his hand and will put them in his mouth on his own now.
- Tummy Time is still not his favorite but he’s getting much more tolerant of it. When he’s propped up on a boppy pillow, he lasts longer but when he’s on a flat surface he’s still able to lift his head and turn. This definitely helps when Mama makes him nap on his tummy during the day.
- Car rides are also not his favorite. If the car is moving, he’s cool but otherwise, he will complain. He’s also much fussier during the day and prefers to be upright or held instead of on his back. However, he’s taken a liking to the mobile above his bed and will quietly watch, kick his legs, and coo to himself for about 10 minutes.
- We think he had a growth spurt and a cold all in the same three days. He was definitely fussier and was inconsolable one afternoon when Yai was watching him while Mama was picking up Janie from school. We are so relieved that it only lasted those couple days.
Mama couldn’t decide which photo was best so she posted a bunch of these 2-month pictures.
Happy 2 Months, Peanut!! We love you and look forward to so many more new milestones!