Peanut is 29 weeks old today! This chunky monkey has escaped the cold/flu that the rest of the family had all week but we think he may be teething. There are some white lumps under the gums on his lower gum line and he was pretty fussy most of the week. Mama was home sick a few days this week and he did well having both Mama and Mimi around at the same time. In fact, it was fun to see how much he loves hanging out with her. This week, he tried mango, yogurt, coconut cream drops, and rice crackers. So far, he hasn’t met a food that he doesn’t like. And we are happy that he’s not allergic to cow’s milk.
He has a new expression that cracks Mama up all the time. He likes to crinkle his nose when he’s feeling mischievous or flirty.
He’s also moving quite a bit on the floor and always looks like he’s about to crawl. Too bad the lower leg always gets stuck under his tummy.
Happy 29 weeks, Peanut!!!