42 months


This big girl is 3 and a half years old today!!!!!  Boy oh boy…so much has happened in the last 3 months for this bundle of energy and sass.  Let’s review:

  • Janie became a BIG SISTER!!!!!!  She welcomed her baby brother to the world with open arms and has been so helpful. She is so proud to be a big sister and hasn’t shown any jealousy.  However, he definitely (and appropriately) makes herself known when she needs to.  Her favorite phrase in these occasions is “don’t forget about me!”
  • Grandma was here for 2 months and they really bonded.  It’s great to see them together.
  • Janie started preschool during this period and had some tears (as expected) during the first month but now she will say “bye mom – go to work now”.  She has made friends and even started soccer and yoga.
  • Fine motor: Janie mastered buttoning and unbuttoning her PJs and opening the  string cheese wrapper all on her own!
  • “Frozen” is still a hit with her but she has also started watching “The Octonauts”, which is a refreshing change for Mama and Dada.
  • Janie went on a family trip to Napa twice in September and got to hang out with Zoe and her cousin Alice on the different trips.
  • Taking walks outside is getting a lot easier and we don’t have to take the stroller all the time.
  • We also had several play dates and got to hang out with Sophie more.
  • She has become a little more selective about what she eats and when but she is still a great eater.
  • We started a token system recently and it has taught her how to be a big girl at home and outside.  She has also added some new chores around the house including putting away everyone’s shoes and putting away the utensils from the dishwasher.
  • Stats: Height is 37 inches.  Weight is around 33 pounds.  She’s wearing 3T and 4T clothes.  Got a flu shot like a champ.  Started taking albuterol for her cough.

Happy 42 months, Big Girl!!  We love you so much and loves watching you learn and grow!

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