22 months


Janie turned 22 months old today!  This month has been a month of language and new concepts.  It’s been really hard to keep up with all the new words that she’s learned.  Here are some highlights from this past month:

  1. New words in English: socks, bacon, red, blue, yellow, green, purple, snake, five, tea, fork, bowl, spoon, ow, fish, elephant, KK (her name), open, down, please, more, fish, what’s that, Mimi (Mirian), phone, bug, baba, all done, rice, thanks, see you later, owl, nose, mouth, head, arm, eye, ear, Mommy
  2. New words in Spanish: agua (she fixed it from “ah-wa-wa”), uno (1), dos (2), quatro (4), siete (7), ocho (8), nueve (9), fresa (strawberry), mas (more)
  3. New words in Mandarin: baba (daddy), mao (cat)
  4. She learned her basic colors: blue, red, orange, purple, green, yellow, black
  5. I was also surprised to see her labeling her body parts: nose, mouth, head, ears, eyes, arm, elbow.
  6. She has been singing a few songs now: do-re-me, hello song, cuckoo
  7. Things she can identify: tiger, elephant, numbers 1-9 (mostly 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9) on her toy laptop in English and Spanish
  8. We added a couple new videos to her line-up: Blue’s Clues (she loves the songs), Fun Fun Elmo (mandarin lessons)
  9. Gross motor: She loves walking on curbs, climbing onto table/chairs, using her step stool for everything, riding the moo cow and drifting, and using the laundry basket as a clubhouse.  She also has this funny way of leaning on someone in order to stand on one leg while crossing the other over her shin.
  10. This month’s favorites: playing with the toothpaste tube, containers, water play, having tea with her family and stuffed animals, playing with her stuffed animals, reading books with Dada.
  11. She has also learned how to match icons on her animal book.  She will look at the animal and then usually finds the correct matching button off to the right side.
  12. Fine motor: she makes a circular scribble sometimes, gotten very good at stirring and pouring, and rotates caps off of containers and tubes.
  13. Social: She gives hugs to her friends and Mommy and Daddy’s friends.  She’s also been calling everyone Uncle and Auntie – even the guy at the Trader Joe’s checkout stand.  She has also learned the concept of “Me” and will label herself “KK”.  She also give Dada a big hug and kiss every morning when he leaves for work.  She still cries when Mommy leaves in the morning.
  14. Self-care: Janie has figured out how to take off her jacket and socks, tries to pull her pants on/off, and tries to put on her shoes and socks.
  15. She went to the Oakland Zoo with her pals Sophie, Theo, and Sadie.  She also pet a goat for the first time and loved it.
  16. Tantrums are becoming more frequent but they don’t last very long.
  17. Weaning her from GG is progressing well.  The nipple on the pacifier has been cut in half and she will use it for a couple seconds at a time.  She’s been mostly using the giraffe for comfort, which is the whole point of this project.  Her teeth are already looking a little straighter!


Happy 22 Months, KK!!!   Love you!


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