This kid is almost two years old!!! 23 months!! Janie has learned so much this month and her language and comprehension have really exploded. Here are some highlights from this month:
- New Words: cheers, chicken, bear, yak, help, beans, peas, turtle, bee, Elmo, dance, bed, brush, yes, daddy, please, banana, cup, book, stick, notebook
- Animal sounds for a cat, dog, elephant, owl, monkey, lion, tiger, rooster, owl, snake, rooster, goat
- She’s putting two words together on her own and these are the phrases she uses the most: mas___, more___, [color]___, [person]___, [person] eat, hi___, silly___. She’s also putting an “s” at the end of words like “Mama’s”.
- My favorite phrase is “I love you.”
- She tries to sing along to some songs: Twinkle Twinkle, Blue’s Clues songs, ABCs, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Fun Fun Elmo songs
- Spanish: adios, counting 1-10, her favorite number is “OCHO!!” She actually recognizes the number.
- Mandarin: counting 1-10, water, cat, dog
- Concepts: pink, brown, butt, counting 1-10 in English, letter U
- Gross Motor: jumping, steps without holding on, going down a slide without turning onto her tummy
- Fine Motor: circular scribble, coloring on a shape or letter, unscrewing the toothpaste cap
- Self-Care: put on Vans, starting to pull up pants, she doesn’t cry when we brush her teeth now, pouring water and playing with her tea set and spoons is still a favorite activity
- Janie grew tall enough to reach the fob sensor in the garage. That also means we’ve had to retire some of her 12-18 month and 18-24 month clothes. She also grew new bottom molars. We also moved up to Size 5 diapers.
- She’s been having night terrors this month. She also had a cold this month.
- Janie is learning how to walk on the sidewalk with Mommy and Daddy and holding our hands is not her favorite. So, we also use her backpack with tether sometimes.
- Both sets of grandparents came up to visit.
Social: She’s loving Facetime with her cousin Alice and asks for her every night. She’s also learned how to make a kissing sound. Janie is also getting better with letting mommy go to work without crying.
Here are some more photos from today:
Happy 23 months, KK! We love you and watching you learn and grow is so much fun!