23 months


Peanut is 23 months old today and he’s really fun (and sometimes frustrating) right now.


Here are some highlights from this past month:

  • Self-care: Brushing teeth is not as much of a fight anymore. He can take his socks off on his own. He drinks pretty well from an open cup now. Still loves baths. Puts his plate on the kitchen counter or gives it to a grown-up when he’s done eating. Still not pooping on the toilet despite repeated attempts. Still hates haircuts but had to get one.
  • Gross motor: Loves the riding toys at school and at home. Taking stairs up and down with a lot more coordination and tries to got up and down reciprocally. He’s able to push himself forward on the scooter at least 2-3 steps now. Runs and turns with a lot more fluidity and speed.
  • Fine motor: Loves to scoop and pour. Enjoys coloring with crayons and markers. He also loves to push buttons and play with things that click, twist, and turn.
  • Speech and Language: Ex-plo-sion. He’s coping everything we say and he’s getting a little easier to understand. Still loves to sing and tries to stand up for himself by saying “No, KK!” or “It’s my turn!” He likes to ask “you ok?” and still says “no” to a lot of things. He’s also the comic of the house with his silly expressions and antics.
  • Travel: Monterey
  • Visitors: Uncle Jason, Auntie Jia, Toni, and Thomas. He had so much fun with them and kept saying their names the week after.



Happy 23 Months, Peanut! You’ll be TWO next month!! Can’t believe it.


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