231 days


Peanut is 33 weeks old today and it’s getting increasingly harder to get a photo of him SITTING next to Ducky.


Highlights from this past week:

  • Peanut started to sleep better this week with longer stretches most of the week. Unfortunately, he’s still an early riser even with the time change. He just gets up at 5am instead of 4am. Hooray.
  • The most exciting part of this past week was our trip to Tahoe. He got to see, touch, and even taste snow. He had a great time but didn’t like being bundled up with so many layers.
  • New foods: oatmeal, ribs, pulled pork, brisket, blueberries.
  • He’s also become a little more regular now that we’ve added prunes and pears to his daily diet.
  • A new expression he has this week is the cute head tilt. He’s also craning his neck around things to get a better look. He especially does this to watch his sister moving around the room.
  • His fine motor skills are coming along nicely. He picks up puffs very easily now and started banging toys together when he plays.


  • We don’t have a crawler yet but he’s getting so close! I see him on all fours and rocking back and forth a lot more often now. He’s also pulling up to his knees when he has a steady surface nearby. We are going to be in big trouble when he figures out the whole crawling thing.


Happy 33 weeks, Peanut! You are such a funny little guy with so much personality.

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