Janie went to see the doctor today. We took public transportation there for the fun of it. Janie really enjoyed riding the train, watching them go by as we waited for our next train, and looking out the window.
When we got there, the nurse took us to a room first instead of going straight to the scale.
Now that she’s older and bigger, we undressed her in the exam room and she walked herself into the exam room for the weighing and measuring.
She barely fits the scale platform now.
Here are the stats:
Weight: 28 lbs 6 oz. (73rd percentile)
Height: 34.25 inches (66th percentile)
The doctor was impressed by her growth and said she looked great.
Janie was a little timid around the doctor but warmed up quickly when she received her very first lollipop. Dr. Kaplan told her that only big kids get lollipops. That girl demolished it while the doc was doing her examination. I can’t believe she’s a full-fledged kid now.
Here she is waiting for the train on our way back. She lucked out on not getting any shots today but she’ll be getting one next Wednesday when we get back from our trip.
1 Comment
Not such a fatty anymore.