28 days


Our little boy is 4 weeks old today and growing so fast!  Here are highlights from this past week:

  • He now has eyebrows! Yay!
  • Growth: His thighs are filling in and his belly is big and round.  He also has some chubby cheeks that are perfect for smooching.
  • This past week, he got some outdoor time by the pool with all the warm weather we had.
  • First zoo trip: Of course, he’s too young to really appreciate what the zoo has to offer but he got some fresh air and time with the family.
  • His eyes have cleared up and his color has improved.  We think he’s almost done with the whole jaundice thing.
  • Vision: It seems like he can see a lot more this week.  He’s giving more eye contact and tracking objects better lately.  Mama put up a mobile and he actually watches the object go in circles for a few seconds at a time.
  • We also got invited to a wedding in Vancouver so Peanut also got his photo taken for his passport.


He’s almost 1 month old!  Where does the time go??

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