29 months


Janie turned 29 months today and what a month it has been!



I took these photos while we were on our Saturday morning outing.  My little baby is turning into quite the little girl.  Here are some highlights from this past month:

  1. POTTY TRAINING!!! We are now in underwear or pull-ups during the day (including at school) with very few accidents.  She even gave it a try at Yai and Ta’s house without much of a problem.  The stickers are still a powerful reward but totally unnecessary at this point.  I think it took about one weekend for her to get the hang of it.  This coming month we’ll have to take a leap and go on an outing in underwear.  Yikes.
  2. Dressing: Janie is able to put on and take off her underwear and pants all on her own.  This definitely helped with the potty training.
  3. GG: He no longer has a pacifier (fell off at the beginning of her 29th month) and Janie is doing great without it.  She still loves GG and plays with his ears to help fall asleep.
  4. No more tears at school! That’s right…we’re on a little roll right now with 3 days in a row without tears at drop-off.  She always looks like she’s on the verge but somehow she pulls it together when Mommy leaves for work.
  5. Spanish: This kid is pulling Spanish out of her little brain spontaneously now with me.  She’s also labeling what she says by saying, “Mama, Spanish” just in case I wasn’t understanding her.  Her vocabulary is increasing each time she goes to school.  They go over fruits, vegetables, colors, the alphabet, and many more things that I won’t be able to do with her – all in Spanish.  This is great!
  6. Riding the tricycle: Janie figured out how to pedal and steer her tricycle this month and now does laps around the house.
  7. Fine Motor: Janie learned how to string large beads.  She is also getting better with coloring inside of lines on a picture.  Her grasp is looking pretty good too.
  8. Sharing: This is getting much better – even with Alice.
  9. Another ride on a plane: We went down to Southern California for a weekend so that Mommy and Daddy could attend a wedding.
  10. Sleep-over: Janie stayed overnight at Yai and Ta’s house without Mommy and Daddy for the first time and it was a success!
  11. Ama and Ankong came up to visit us!  They were here just in time to celebrate Daddy’s birthday too.
  12. Daddy’s birthday: Janie helped sing “Happy Birthday” and blow out the candle.
  13. Sleeping in the pack-n-play again: I don’t know what happened but she’s back in there again and no longer on the sofa.  Weird but totally cool with us.
  14. Thai: She spontaneously said “thank you” in Thai to Mommy one day.
  15. New foods: lamb and figs.
  16. Favorite things: Cooking/Tea Parties, Sesame Street, GG, Big GG, Tricycle, turning off the lights, jumping off things, and doing everything herself.
  17. Stats (approximate):

Weight 29 pounds.  Height 35.5 inches. Shoes Size 6/7. Clothes 2T/3T. Diapers Size 5/6.


Happy 29 months, KK!  We’re so proud of how much you’ve accomplished this month!


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