Janie turned 29 months today and what a month it has been!
I took these photos while we were on our Saturday morning outing. My little baby is turning into quite the little girl. Here are some highlights from this past month:
- POTTY TRAINING!!! We are now in underwear or pull-ups during the day (including at school) with very few accidents. She even gave it a try at Yai and Ta’s house without much of a problem. The stickers are still a powerful reward but totally unnecessary at this point. I think it took about one weekend for her to get the hang of it. This coming month we’ll have to take a leap and go on an outing in underwear. Yikes.
- Dressing: Janie is able to put on and take off her underwear and pants all on her own. This definitely helped with the potty training.
- GG: He no longer has a pacifier (fell off at the beginning of her 29th month) and Janie is doing great without it. She still loves GG and plays with his ears to help fall asleep.
- No more tears at school! That’s right…we’re on a little roll right now with 3 days in a row without tears at drop-off. She always looks like she’s on the verge but somehow she pulls it together when Mommy leaves for work.
- Spanish: This kid is pulling Spanish out of her little brain spontaneously now with me. She’s also labeling what she says by saying, “Mama, Spanish” just in case I wasn’t understanding her. Her vocabulary is increasing each time she goes to school. They go over fruits, vegetables, colors, the alphabet, and many more things that I won’t be able to do with her – all in Spanish. This is great!
- Riding the tricycle: Janie figured out how to pedal and steer her tricycle this month and now does laps around the house.
- Fine Motor: Janie learned how to string large beads. She is also getting better with coloring inside of lines on a picture. Her grasp is looking pretty good too.
- Sharing: This is getting much better – even with Alice.
- Another ride on a plane: We went down to Southern California for a weekend so that Mommy and Daddy could attend a wedding.
- Sleep-over: Janie stayed overnight at Yai and Ta’s house without Mommy and Daddy for the first time and it was a success!
- Ama and Ankong came up to visit us! They were here just in time to celebrate Daddy’s birthday too.
- Daddy’s birthday: Janie helped sing “Happy Birthday” and blow out the candle.
- Sleeping in the pack-n-play again: I don’t know what happened but she’s back in there again and no longer on the sofa. Weird but totally cool with us.
- Thai: She spontaneously said “thank you” in Thai to Mommy one day.
- New foods: lamb and figs.
- Favorite things: Cooking/Tea Parties, Sesame Street, GG, Big GG, Tricycle, turning off the lights, jumping off things, and doing everything herself.
- Stats (approximate):
Weight 29 pounds. Height 35.5 inches. Shoes Size 6/7. Clothes 2T/3T. Diapers Size 5/6.
Happy 29 months, KK! We’re so proud of how much you’ve accomplished this month!