30 months


Our Little Janie turned 30 months old today.  That’s two-and-a-half years old!!  Wow.


Here are highlights from this past month:

  1. Lots of language: As usual, she’s a little chatterbox at home.  She says things like “thank you so much!”; “one second”; “uh…sure”; and “I need help!”   I can hear her imitating the things I say to her when she’s talking to Big GG.  “Go peepee in the potty.  Good job!” “Time to change your diaper.”
  2. Her Spanish is really coming out lately too: “Como estas? Bien?” (How are you? Good?); “se callo” (it fell); “Mira!” (look!); “mija” (my daughter).  She also labels so many things in Spanish all day.
  3. Counting: She is now able to count up to about 17 now.  Sometimes she skips a number here and there but I have heard her go straight up to 17 without help.
  4. Independence: It takes us twice as long to do everything now because she insists that “KK do it!” and then when she gets frustrated she refuses to get help.  We have been teaching her to ask for help instead of whining or getting really mad.
  5. Dressing: Janie now puts on her underwear, pants, socks, and some shoes on her own.  She can put the shirt over her head but finding the sleeves is still tricky.
  6. Hygiene and Grooming: Janie brushes her teeth and learned how to rinse and spit.  She also brushes her hair and washes her hands when she can reach everything on her own.
  7. Cups: She has gotten a lot better at drinking from an open cup without spilling.  We bought these colored cups at IKEA and she will say “no spill” when I hand her a cup of water or milk (filled only halfway).
  8. Potty training: She’s been accident-free most days with Mirian or at school.  We still put her in a diaper or pull-up at night and when we go out.
  9. Friends at school: After I pick her up from school, she will list some of the other kids at school.  I guess it’s sinking in now.  She’s still going 2 days per week (Wednesdays and Fridays).
  10. Sleeping: Janie has reverted back to her pack-n-play for most nights.  I don’t know why but it’s fine.  She can also climb in and out by herself where there is a step-stool nearby.
  11. New movie: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh – she knows all the characters now.
  12. Health: Janie had her first visit to the ED this past month when she had croup.  Luckily she recovered very quickly and did not need any meds after she was sent home.
  13. Visual motor skills: Janie learned how to string beads big and small and quickly learned how to fold a square towel.
  14. Sharing: Janie has been a little better at sharing.  She went to a birthday party and shared with Isla and also had a playdate with Baby Henry and shared her banana.
  15. Gross motor: She’s starting to go up and down stairs reciprocally.  The tricycle is getting a lot easier lately and she is pedaling and steering like a pro.  We even took her outside on the sidewalk a few times.  She also helped Mommy finish her Miracle Marathon.  The biggest accomplishment of the month was learning how to pump a swing!! Woohoo!


What a fun month!  Happy Half-Birthday, KK!!  We love you to pieces.


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