32 months


We’ve got a short list this month but she’s gone through some major milestones at the same time.

  1. This month, Mirian had her last day and Janie started Full-time Daycare on December 1st.
  2. She also got her very own bed and loves it.
  3. Counting: Janie has learned how to count to 20 in English and Spanish.
  4. Visual Motor: She learned how to draw a face and rectangle.
  5. Health: Fever for 3 days and home with Daddy
  6. Funny sayings: “Yups.” “I don’t like that.” “I’m awake!”
  7. Language: She’s getting better with I, you, me, yours, mine.  She still needs work with identifying gender and she always mixes up he and she.
  8. Reading: She still loves her books and I love hearing her recite her favorite books.  I’m amazed at her memory.
  9. Weather: We’ve had a pretty rainy month and Janie loved splashing in the puddles and hanging out with an umbrella outside!
  10. Christmas music: We’ve been listening to Christmas music since Thanksgiving and her favorite song is “Sleigh Ride”, which she calls “horse song”.
  11. Visitors: Yai and Ta came up to visit.  G. Auntie Jeanie also came up for a weekend.
  12. Birthday parties: Went to two birthday parties and learned how to really jump inside a bounce house.

Happy 32 Months, Kiddo!  We’re amazed at how much you comprehend, remember, and say.  You’re picking up new concepts so fast that we can’t keep up!  Love you, KK!


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