34 months


Look who’s 34 months old!  When people ask her “how old are you?” she answers, “almost 3”.  I guess she’s been paying attention when strangers ask us.

Here are some highlights from this past month:

  1. Gross Motor: Janie is walking up and down the stairs with one foot on each step (like us grown-ups), which makes her faster and catching the train much easier nowadays.
  2. Self-care: Toilet training is going well and she is now able to use the toilet at home all by herself, including wiping and flushing.  She just needs a stool to get up onto the toilet.  She also doesn’t use the kiddy toilet cover sometimes.  She’s also washing her hands on her own now too but sometimes gets carried away with the soap and water.  She has no idea that we’re in a drought.  She has also gotten better with cutting soft food with a knife and fork.  Lastly, she’s getting much faster at putting on her Chucks and flats that have a criss-cross Velcro strap.
  3. Social/Language: Janie’s playing with friends and having conversations with them now.  It’s fun to see her doing more than parallel play or imitating what her friend is doing  In fact, the last time she saw Sophie, they played chase/tag and pointed out things they saw together.
  4. Language: This month has been fun because she’s having real conversations with us.  Some of what she says is very surprising and makes us laugh all the time.  She comments on things she sees from the car window and also recalls her day at school with a lot more detail and accuracy too.  When Yai calls her on FaceTime, she has real conversations with her too.
  5. Spanish: We’re hearing a lot more Spanish from her at home.  She knows her numbers to 20 and has learned the days of the week.  Her vocabulary for animals, foods, and objects has really expanded too.
  6. Fine Motor: Janie is coloring with a little more purpose this month and trying to match colors to things that she sees in her coloring book (i.e. orange for the carrot).  She has also discovered the joys of playdough.
  7. Favorites this month: Playdough, feeding the fish, watering the plants, Chip and Dale cartoons, Finding Nemo, pretzels, nuts, cheese, and still any fruit.
  8. Baby Brother: Her understanding of her new brother is limited to “baby in Mommy’s tummy”.  She still has no idea how life-shattering it will be for her.
  9. School: We don’t have anymore tears when we go to school and she seems to look forward to it now.
  10. Stats: 3T/4T shirts, 3T pants, Size 7 shoes, Size 5 Pull-ups.  Haven’t weighed her or measured her height lately but she is certainly growing taller.
  11. Visitors: Yai came up to SF for a week.  What fun!


Happy 34 months, Big Girl!!  Love you!!

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