39 months


I’m doing these updates quarterly now that she’s 3 years old.  The milestones come a lot slower and I honestly have a hard enough time just keeping up with this girl in real life.  I have to say that Janie as a “three-nager” has been a little rougher this past month.  Her headstrong personality, curiosity, and desire for independence has become more challenging to shape and mold.  Ever since Mama went on maternity leave, she has dropped her daytime nap, decides each morning whether or not she will be good or naughty, and has been a lot bossier.  She’s been saying “no” to a lot of things we ask her to do and not do and I’m never sure how our outings will go.  There are days in which she will change her clothes completely on her own and there are some mornings that consist of 30 minutes of crying because she doesn’t want to put shoes on to go outside.  This has definitely been a month of trying Mama’s patience and creativity.  We are hoping that this is all due to the anticipated arrival of Baby Brother combined with being home everyday instead of having the structure and constant stimulation of school.  She has three trial visits to her new preschool this week and we’re hoping they will go well.

Here are some highlights from the past 3 months (April-July):

  1. Spanish: She is wanting to speak more Spanish at home with Mama now but there are some mornings where she decides “no talking Spanish today!”  She has learned how to count from 21-30 and knows the months of the year as well.
  2. Cousins: She met her cousins Toni and Thomas at the beginning of June and has been in love with them.  It’s been nice to see her response to them and it gives me a little sigh of relief that she will be ok around Baby Brother.
  3. Monterey: We took a mini vacation to Monterey at the end of June to give Janie a special little trip with us before her sibling takes over our time and attention.  She loved collecting little rocks at the beach and still asks to to go the “other aquarium” (Monterey Bay Aquarium).
  4. Concepts: She’s getting the hang of counting to 100.  She doesn’t know her 10s but will count up to them if you give her a start.  For example, if you tell her 30, she will start counting 31-32-33-etc.  The most amazing concept that she has picked up on is understanding left and right.  It might be from hearing the GPS directions in the car but regardless it’s a very useful concept to know.  I can tell her to turn left or right on her tricycle and she usually goes the correct way.
  5. Transitions: We lost her beloved GG a couple weekends ago and she has been doing surprisingly well without him.  We have two spares but haven’t needed to bring either of them out.  I think her parents are sadder than she is that he’s been missing.  Janie also had her last day of daycare when Mama started maternity leave and she’s loving all the outings and extra time she’s had at home.  Her new school will be ready for her at the beginning of August.
  6. Photography: Her new obsession is taking photos with Mama’s phone and she’s getting pretty good.

Despite all the challenges of this past quarter, we still love her to pieces.  She definitely has her moments that remind us how sweet and witty she can be.  I guess this is all a part of growing up and learning as a family.

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