Look who’s 4 months old today! We love how social he is but it’s also made it frustrating at times since he doesn’t like to be left alone.
This month has been full of smiles and giggles. He’s also trying so hard to sit up and we’ve played around with propping him up with pillows. He also started sitting in the feeder seat during mealtimes for short periods of time. We’re also seeing the start of some rolling from his back to his tummy but he’s got a big tummy to move so it’s not quite there yet.
Playing on his tummy is getting easier but it’s still not his favorite. On his back, he’s been interacting more with the toys hanging over him and will bring toys to his mouth if he can get a hold of them.
We started celebrating the holidays at Light-up Night and with family on Thanksgiving weekend.
Happy 4 months, Little Man! We’re looking forward to seeing what you’re gonna do next!