6-month visit


This morning, Peanut had his 6-month well-baby visit.  Here are his stats:

7/31/15: 8 lbs, 12 oz (Birth Weight), 89th percentile
8/2/15: 8 lbs, 2 oz (Discharge Weight), 70th percentile
8/3/15: 7 lbs, 12 oz (1st Weight Check), 55th percentile
8/6/15: 8 lbs, 6 oz (2nd Weight Check), 67th percentile
8/12/15: 9 lbs, 1 oz (3rd Weight Check), 72nd percentile
9/1/15: 12 lbs, 4 oz (1-month Check), 95th percentile(!!)
10/1/15: 16 lbs, 5 oz (2-month Check), 99th percentile(!!!!!)
12/1/15: 21 lbs (4-month Check), 100th percentile (A+!)
2/1/16: 22 lbs, 14 oz (6-month Check), 99th percentile

7/31/15: 21 inches, 97th percentile
9/1/15: 22 inches, 70th percentile
10/1/15: 24 inches, 89th percentile
12/1/15: 25.75 inches, 76th percentile
2/1/16: 27 inches, 66th percentile


The doctor was concerned with this week-long cough so she prescribed antibiotics and albuterol  treatments for him.  Otherwise, she was pleased with his growth and encouraged us to feed him lots of new foods.  Too bad the visit ended with 4 shots and an oral med.

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