63 days


Look who’s 9 weeks old today!  This is probably the last time he’ll wear this outfit because his head is getting too big for the opening.  This guy is growing so fast and Mama’s getting quite a workout.  Highlights

  • Laughing!! Mama was so happy to hear him chuckle this week for the first time.  Just like clockwork, he had his first laugh as soon as he was 2 months old.  Sometimes it sounds like he’s sort of crying but he has a giant grin on his face.
  • More smiling and interaction: Peanut will just look up at you and give you a big cheeky smile sometimes.  This was happening a lot when he’s just had a diaper change.
  • Biggest part of this week was meeting his maternal grandfather, Uncle Johnny, Auntie Joy, and cousin Alice.  They came up for a long weekend and we all went to Napa to celebrate Mama and Uncle’s birthdays.
  • Stats: 16 lbs 5 oz and 24 inches long.  Wearing Size 2 Diapers.  Moving into 6-12 month clothes.  Got a shot in each thigh and an oral med this week.  Sleeping up to 6-7 hours once per night.

Happy 9 weeks, Peanut!!

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