Where has the time gone? Our little chubster is 7 months old today! This has been a really fun month with her now that she can sit on her own and has been eating solids like a champ. Here are some highlights:
- Sat in a highchair, shopping cart, and a swing for the first time.
- Rolled from her back to her tummy.
- Had her first Halloween and dressed up as an elephant (and had a twin too!)
- Tasted apple, carrot, butternut squash, cauliflower, pears, turkey, avocado, and plum.
- Started eating and self-feeding puffs!
- Started holding and drinking from a straw cup.
- Has been vocalizing more with a variety of sounds: ma, na, la, ga, mm, da, e, o, a, and lots of raspberries and squeals.
- Learned how to lean over and crane her neck to get a better look at something (usually around something blocking her view).
- Started going to the Children’s Creative Museum and Story/Song Time at the library with Mirian.
- Found her feet and can grab them while she’s on her back.
- Started standing in a bouncer and goes CRAZY!!
- Sleep has been not as consistent with her but she still sleeps at least 7-8 hours straight most nights.
Phew! This was a really big month of milestones and new experiences! I also weighed her this evening and she’s a whopping 20 lbs, 13 ounces now. She’s wearing 9-month, 12-month, and 12-18 month clothes and moved up to Size 3 diapers too.
It’s been so much fun to watch you grow and learn, Baby Girl! Happy 7 Months!! We love you so very much!