9-month Check-up

9-month check-up

Janie went to the doctor today for her 9-month check-up and she seemed to be more interactive with the doc this time around.  Here are the stats:

Weight: 21 lbs, 5 oz. (87th percentile)
Length: 28 inches (65th percentile)

Here are her stats from her 6-month check-up for comparison:

Weight: 19 lbs, 13 oz. (97th percentile)
Length: 27 inches (88th percentile)

I had a feeling growth was slowing down since I haven’t had to pack up her clothes as often as before and now I have proof!


She also got her last Hep B shot today and she was super brave.  There was barely a cry out of her and she got a bedazzled bandage too.  Fancy.

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