On Sunday, Janie got to see Ankong and Ama. They were in town for the day and it was filled with lots of fun and family time.
The day started at a restaurant overlooking the ocean and beach. Janie sat by the window with Ankong and had fun coloring before the food arrived.
When it was time to eat, Janie got lots of bacon and avocado off of Ama’s salad. It’s funny how similar they look in this photo.
After lunch, she took them to the zoo, which was down the street. She showed them where the giraffes and zebras live.
We also tried out the backpack’s leash feature for a little while.
It works well as long no one comes between the grown-up and the kid.
Kaylee got a close-up look at a monkey today.
She also said “hello” to all the penguins.
We took her to the playground before heading home.
She has outgrown the 0-2 years section and moved up to the 2-5 years section.
This turtle ride wasn’t much of a ride. It doesn’t rock back and forth! Bummer.
On the way home, she took a pretty good nap. When we got home, she tried to go back to sleep but there was too much excitement. So, while some of the grown-ups took their own naps, she played with Ankong and Ama.
For dinner, we went out for Chinese food. She likes having Uncle Jason hold her. Her preferred position is “the perch”. Uncle got a good upper arm workout that evening.
She ate lots and lots of tasty food this evening. She really worked up an appetite today! I think she managed to finish 2 bowls of soup today in addition to all the other stuff on the table.
Janie had a wonderful 9 hours with her grandparents today. Also, thank you for the art set, Ama!!