27 months


Another month has passed and this kid just keeps growing and developing.  I almost forgot to take her monthly photo with Senor Fatty Duck Duck.  The lighting and backdrop wasn’t the best but oh well.  Here are some highlights from this past month:

  1. Language: It just never stops!  Her phrases are getting more sophisticated and I can’t keep up with her vocabulary.  I hear mostly English when I’m home with her but Mirian says that she understands and speaks Spanish all day with her.  Every once in a while she’ll mix in some Spanish with me and will also drop a Thai word as well.  My favorite phrases/words this month include: “I like ___.” “What’s that sound?” “You ok?” “Tickle tickle!” “Psst!” “Outside and play.” “No touch!” “Spicy.”  “How are you? I’m fine. ” “Dada’s back!”  “Oh, I farted, mama.”  “Poo poo in the toilet.  Pee pee too!”
  2. In Spanish, she will say “comer” (eat), “sopa” (soup), “no mas” (no more/all done), “si o no?” (yes or no?)
  3. In Thai, she will ask “Ow nom mai?” (Do you want milk?) and has been learning how to answer with “Ow nom ka!”  She also likes to say “dee mak” (very good).
  4. Counting, ABCs, singing a variety of songs are still a constant in the house.  She also makes variations on her favorite songs with different rhythms and voices.  I had the pleasure of watching her in story time at the library and she just loves singing all the songs there.
  5. Reading books is still fun.  Every night, Daddy reads the “I Love You” book and I’ll find her the next morning telling the story to herself.  Another favorite this month is “Pout Pout Fish”.
  6. Safety: I’m trying to teach her good street habits early.  I explained to her in very simple terms what happens when you’re out on the street or in the parking lot when you don’t hold a grown-up’s hands.  Every once in a while I hear her repeating it to herself “Car goes BOOM! And then owie.”  So far it has worked and she’s more willing to hold our hands on a busy sidewalk and in the parking garage.
  7. Waiting and delayed gratification: I’ve also been working on teaching her “First__, Then__”.  She gets pretty impatient when she wants something and usually demands it right away.  Now she’s learning things like “Eat first. Then play.” or “First clean up tea set.  Then you can play Legos.”  It works most of the time and I can hear her reciting it over and over again while she’s doing the first thing.
  8. Toilet training: Poop has been in the toilet most days.  She will tell me when she has to go but there isn’t much warning.  So, it only really works when we’re at home.  Sometimes she will also pee in the toilet too but it’s usually just a coincidence.  However, she has been reporting to me when she’s peeing in her diaper.  I think she’s starting to be more aware of her bodily functions.  Hopefully day care can help us take it to the next level.
  9. Speaking of Day Care, we’ve decided to enroll her in My First Steps and she will start at the beginning of August for two days per week.  It’s located close to my work in Oakland and it’s almost half the price of what we pay Mirian.  This month, we’re going to work on introducing her to the idea of “going to school”.
  10. This past month, she made a pizza with Mommy for the first time and ever since that day, she has been pretend-cooking all the time.  It’s like an expanded version of her tea parties, which often include ice cream, soup, and pizza (of course!)
  11. Janie celebrated a friend’s 1st birthday and has been really into singing “Happy Birthday”.  She also celebrated July 4th and watched the fireworks show on TV and seemed to have a greater appreciation for fireworks this time around.
  12. She still loves her crayons and paper.  This month, she has been labeling some of her drawings.  So far, she has made the ocean, a dolphin, and some letters by accident.
  13. One more thing, Janie has learned how to show three fingers and four fingers.  She has also picked up some alphabet signing after us showing her a couple times during dinner.  This kid is like a sponge!!


Happy 27 months, Big Girl!  Love you!

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