I thought this would fade after a while but Janie still has a hard time with Mommy leaving for work in the morning. This morning as I was washing dishes, she said, “Mama, no Mimi.” I told her, “No, Mama has to go to work.” She didn’t respond and just walked away. Later in this morning, she was set-up at the table coloring as I was packing up to leave. As soon she heard the sound of my keys, she began to pout. Then she had a full-on wail. This is what she looked like as I left.
Daddy said this went on for another 10 minutes before she asked to go to bed. She took a little pout pout nap, then had a book read to her, and was ready for her milk.
Once that was all done, she was back to normal. She even did a little dancing for Daddy. They had a good time until Mirian arrived a 10 after her doctor’s appointment. And then the crying and pouting started all over again. *sigh*