Sunday in Suburbia


We spent the greater part of today in Foster City and Redwood City.  It started out with brunch at Chow Down and Janie was so excited to see Auntie Jia.

The next stop was Bed Bath & Beyond where Janie was free as a bird in the store and a little too energetic for my taste.


Then we went to Costco to buy some new tires for the car and Janie loved climbing and crawling along this metal bench.


We then took a walk around Auntie and Uncle’s neighborhood and Janie took a good nap in the stroller.


She woke up in time to check out this cute house that was for sale.  No, we’re not moving – just taking a look to get an idea of the housing market.


For dinner, we had Korean tofu soup and Janie got to have her favorite purple rice, tofu, and some of Daddy’s kimchi fried rice.


Some of it was a little spicy but she was able to handle it like a champ.


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