Janie went to see the doctor today for her 30-month check-up. What’s interesting is that she cried when it came time to weigh and measure her. She didn’t even let me take her shirt off.
She made such a fuss that I didn’t have time to write down her stats. I’m gonna have to call them tomorrow to get the numbers but I think this is what the nurse said:
Weight: 30 lbs, 4 oz.
Height: 35.25 inches
Luckily the crying didn’t last long and the books and toys in the exam room helped. When the doctor came in, she was really quiet and a little worried. To break the ice, she received a lollipop just like last time. Everything checked out well but she refused to talk so the doctor wrote in her notes “reportedly talks”. Haha.
The last part was to get her flu shot and she didn’t even flinch this time. She was more excited about the bandaid on her leg and the lollipop she had to finish.