Friday Adventures


Janie had another day with Daddy today.  She slept in until 9:30 and then she was up and ready to go out for the day. Her hair needed a little work so Daddy tried again.


Ta Da!!  Two clips and a rubberband did the trick!


They first went to the mall for lunch at Chipotle.  During lunch, she said “Dragons don’t like spicy salsa.  I’m a dragon and you’re a rabbit.  I don’t like spicy salsa.”  Haha.  She’s been reading her newest book “Dragons Love Tacos” lately and yesterday Daddy told her she was a dragon and he was a rabbit (Chinese zodiac signs).  Funny girl.


After lunch, they hopped on the train and rode all the way to the end to get to the zoo.  By the time she arrived, she was asleep in the stroller.


So, Daddy sat at the zoo playground to do some work while she slept.


Once she woke up, she got to see giraffes, lions, zebras, a hippo, and tigers.  What a fun day with Daddy!!

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