We were given the A-OK to wash Janie more often at the last doctor’s visit. She did, however, warn us that newborns generally don’t like baths and it was true for ours. She’s had a handful of baths now and each time she would cry and cry until taken out and wrapped up in her towel. However, this morning was the exception. I washed her hair first and she actually seemed to enjoy the gentle head massage.
Then, when I sat her in the tub of water, she was silent. Amazing. I pretty much waited for to cry but then realized she wasn’t going to and got started on washing her. She was so cute just sitting in the tub and tolerated just about everything I put her through. Her armpits were extra stinking this morning and she didn’t mind the extra time I spent on cleaning them. Hopefully this is the start of bath times being more fun than traumatic for everyone involved.