Peanut went to see the pediatrician today for his 2-month check-up, weigh-in, and vaccinations. He did a good job staying calm while the nurse weighed and measured him today. Good boy!!
Here are the stats:
7/31/15: 8 lbs, 12 oz (Birth Weight), 81st percentile
8/2/15: 8 lbs, 2 oz (Discharge Weight), 43rd percentile
8/3/15: 7 lbs, 12 oz (1st Weight Check), 31st percentile
8/6/15: 8 lbs, 6 oz (2nd Weight Check), 46th percentile
8/12/15: 9 lbs, 1 oz (3rd Weight Check), 61st percentile
9/1/15: 12 lbs, 4 oz (1-month Check), 96th percentile(!!)
10/1/15: 16 lbs, 5 oz (2-month Check), 99th percentile(!!!!!)
7/31/15: 21 inches, 90th percentile
9/1/15: 22 inches, 66th percentile
10/1/15: 24 inches, 76th percentile
I knew that he was getting heavy but WOW!!
Mama got a high five from the doctor when she walked in and Peanut did everything he was supposed to for the doctor. It was like he knew he was supposed to show off his new skills to her.
He smiled, made some cooing sounds, and even put his hand in his mouth. The doctor said he looked great and was very happy with his progress thus far.
Unfortunately, Peanut was due for a few vaccinations this visit.
He got an oral one first and then a shot in each thigh.
Ouch. Poor baby.