Peanut is 15 weeks old today! Time is really flying by – especially with all the traveling he has been doing this month. We had a pretty relaxing week. We went to Oakland for lunch on Thursday and didn’t cry at all on the car ride there or back. Maybe all the time he had to spend in the car in Vancouver and Southern California has trained him a bit. This week, he’s been trying to bring himself more forward when he’s in a reclined position. I guess he’s got some strong abs under all that chub. His voice has also gotten louder this past week and when he’s really mad, he will do a big boy scream. Wowza! It definitely gets our attention. At this age with Janie, Mama was getting ready to go back to work. Fortunately, Mama has another 2 more months at home with this one. Hooray for both of us!
We love you, Peanut!! Happy 15 weeks!