Day with Mama


After the morning check-up, we had the rest of the day to spend together.  Once we got home to drop off some stuff and regroup, we headed back out to have lunch with Dada.  We took the bus there and then the light rail home.  Peanut loves being carried in the Ergo.


Later we went to Safeway and Peanut was showing off his ability to multitask – hold his foot and play with his toy at the same time.IMG_7144

For a little guy who got two shots in each thigh, he was in a pretty good mood this afternoon.  IMG_7149

A new toy came in the mail today and he got to check it out before sister came home from school.


Later in the evening while we waited for Dada and Janie to come home, he sat in the stroller and watched the fish swim around in the the tank.

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