15-month visit


We landed in SF around 2pm and had just enough time to drop Dada off at home to go to work and make it to the pediatrician’s office for Peanut’s well-baby check-up. We even got there 10 minutes early!


He played in the waiting room with Big Sister until it was his turn.


Big Sister got some pretty good giggles out of him.


Here are Peanut’s Stats…

7/31/15: 8 lbs, 12 oz (Birth Weight), 89th percentile
8/2/15: 8 lbs, 2 oz (Discharge Weight), 70th percentile
8/3/15: 7 lbs, 12 oz (1st Weight Check), 55th percentile
8/6/15: 8 lbs, 6 oz (2nd Weight Check), 67th percentile
8/12/15: 9 lbs, 1 oz (3rd Weight Check), 72nd percentile
9/1/15: 12 lbs, 4 oz (1-month Check), 95th percentile(!!)
10/1/15: 16 lbs, 5 oz (2-month Check), 99th percentile(!!!!!)
12/1/15: 21 lbs (4-month Check), 100th percentile (A+!)
2/1/16: 22 lbs, 14 oz (6-month Check), 99th percentile
5/2/16: 24 lbs, 7 oz (9-month Check), 98th percentile
8/2/16: 25 lbs, 11 oz (12-month Check), 96th percentile
11/1/16: 26 lbs, 11 oz (15-month Check), 93rd percentile

7/31/15: 21 inches, 90th percentile
9/1/15: 22 inches, 75th percentile
10/1/15: 24 inches, 85th percentile
12/1/15: 25.75 inches, 80th percentile
2/1/16: 27 inches, 71st percentile
5/2/16: 28.25 inches, 50th percentile
8/2/16: 29 inches, 25th percentile
11/1/16: 30.5 inches, 32nd percentile

The doctor thinks his height is greater than what was measured and had no concerns with his growth. According to the measurements of his height over his life, the percentiles are all over the place, which is not typical. Meanwhile, his weight is pretty steady with a general trend down. She attributes it to how active and mobile he has become.


At the end of the visit, Peanut got three shots in the legs and Janie got her flu shot in the arm. She looked like she wanted to cry but held it together like a champ. Mama was so proud of her.


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