

Today was Peanut’s first day of daycare. Dada and Mama drove him to Alameda and dropped him off around 11:00 am for a short trial run. The kids had just finished eating lunch and were settling down for a nap when we arrived. The teacher had an extra meal for him so he sat down to eat with Mama by his side.


He had quite a bit to eat and was happy to watch the kids trying to nap.


Then it was his turn. They had a cot ready for him in the middle of the other kids. Mama put him down with BooBoo and his blanket and he just stayed there. At that point, it was time for Mama to say goodbye.


At noon, we picked up the keys to our new house and moved a few items in. By the afternoon, it was time to pick up Peanut and we found him sitting at the table with his classmates.


He’s in the youngest class, named the Honeybees, and he’s probably the youngest one in his class too.


Looks like he settled in just nicely today. He didn’t even need BooBoo by the end of the day. Teacher said he took only a short nap and did rather well for his first day.


When it was time to go, he insisted on putting his backpack on.


He even waved goodbye to his new teacher, Rosi, as we left.


Here he is in the multi-purpose room. This school is huge!!


We’re glad he had a fun first day. We just hope the following days are just as good.

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