21 months


Our little boy is 21 months today! Time is really flying by and has changed so much this past month.

  •  Language: This is the area that he’s grown in the most this past month. I attribute it to starting daycare. His new words include Hi, hello, stinky, pee-ew, cracker, noo-noo, (for noodles), spoon, mine, my turn, hat, nose, eye, 2-3, KK, bubble. He also learned the sign for “help” and uses it very appropriately.
  • Gross Motor: He’s gotten very good at stairs (thanks to the new house) and has become so confident on the playground structure at school and in front of the house. He’s going down the big slides all on his own now too. He also picked up big sister’s scooter and gave it a try without falling. Walking and running on uneven surfaces has gotten a lot easier. He negotiates the grass, curbs, and hills in front of the house like a pro.
  • Self-care: Peanut takes his socks and shoes off now and tries really hard at putting them on. He also learned how to hang up his jacket at school and can take it off on his own too. He loves his backpack and figured out how to put it on by himself. We are also working on brushing teeth. Mama does it every night and he still puts up a fight. Hopefully it will get better soon. One of his favorite things to do at home is sweeping. It’s not very effective but it keeps him occupied for a good amount of time. At school, they’ve been working on drinking from an open cup and he’s gotten pretty good at it!
  • He loves songs and has added a few to his repertoire. Mama hears him singing a tune throughout the day, recognizes it, finishes the song, and excited as if he’s saying “You know that song too?!” His favorites lately include Row Row Row Your Boat, Baa Baa Black Sheep, 5 Little Monkeys, Wheels on the Bus, ABC Song, and some snapping/clapping thing that Mama doesn’t know.
  • Peanut can identify some body parts and people now including his nose, mouth, head, ears, eyes, hands, Mama, Dada, KK, Tyler, Peanut, Ankong, Ama, Yai, and Ta.
  • Milestones: Stopped crying at drop-off on 4/19/17. First dentist appointment on 4/25/17.


He loves his big sister and now calls her name in the car and when they’re eating together. He imitates everything she does and says too.


He also loves to climb on everything. He’s a hardy little fella and falls like a stuntman.


Happy 21 Months, Peanut!! Love you!

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