First Day of School Part 2

After a whole year of remote learning, it’s the First Day of In-person School!! Yaaaaay! Peanut finally gets to attend Amelia Earhart School and see his teacher and classmates in person. It will be abbreviated but still worth the trouble.

With the different start and end times, we made arrangements for Janie to ride her bike to school with Maya, her older brother, and some other 5th graders. She was super excited about that.

Peanut also rode his bike to school with Mama and Dada. This is similar to how we walked KK to school on her first day of Kindergarten.

When we arrived, we took a couple photos and then went to the gate to meet his teacher, Ms. Wells. They all lined up 6 feet apart and then walked into the classroom together. So cute.

Here’s a side-by-side of Janie and Peanut’s first day of Kindergarten. So similar but so different at the same time.

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