18 months


Hoowee!  Look who’s 18 months old!  That’s a year and a half!  Where is the time going?  Well, I thought that I’d take a photo of our big girl in the chair with the quilt for this milestone and this is the best photo I could get.  Here’s a recap of this past month:

  1. She’s discovered slides and also thinks it’s fun to try to climb up them.
  2. New words: ba (bath), e-i-e-i-o (is that a word?), up, Ama, cheese, ball, ga-go (Legos)
  3. Janie can identify her teeth and hands.
  4. She understands the following commands: “la boca” (mouth in Spanish), “put it back”, “smell the flower”, “wash your hands”, and “wipe your face”.
  5. She started playing with actual Legos (thanks for the stash, Uncle Johnny).
  6. Janie flew on the plane again – this time to Southern California.
  7. She knows how to get off the couch safely.
  8. She’s pointing to things and labeling “GoGo” (dog), “apple”, and “nai-nai” (milk).  She’ll also point to things and say “this” – well, it sounds more like “dis”.
  9. She’s totally into dipping her food in sauces and actually eats the item that is getting dipped too.
  10. New foods: celery, raw carrot sticks, spinach, arugula, olives, garbanzo beans, tomato, quesadilla, salsa, sour cream, ketchup, other sauces, mandarin orange (thanks Sophie), Lawry’s prime rib, and spicy foods.
  11. She is doing more pretend play and will try to feed a baby a bottle, push the shopping cart, and sweep the floor.
  12. She also got to go to California Academy of Sciences and SF Zoo again this past month.
  13. One other significant event for this month (and actual day that she turned 18 months) was saying goodbye to her pal “GoGo”.  She doesn’t really understand what’s happened but she certainly has not forgotten him.

Janie is growing way too fast for my taste but there’s not stopping.  She’s so much fun to hang out with now but keeping her out of trouble can also be frustrating.  We’re also at a point now where we really have to take GG away.  It’s gonna be hard on all of us but we’re giving ourselves until her 24th month to accomplish our goal.  Wish us luck!

Happy 18 months, Little Girl.  Mama, Dada, and GoGo love you to pieces.

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