Last night, Janie didn’t wake up screaming and slept 10 whole hours! I heard her wake up for a couple seconds at midnight but it was nothing.
We’ve been trying to get to bed earlier now with the time change and this routine seems to work.
She gets about 10 minutes of Baby Einstein Lullaby and hangs out with Mommy on the couch with the lights dimmed.
She snuggles one or two of her friends and tonight it was her otter and doggie. She knows how to make the kissing sound now and you can hear it in this video.
Here she is making her two friends kiss each other.
This routine seemed to work last night and it worked again tonight. She was in bed by 8:30 and asleep in about 2-3 minutes. Good Night, Kiddo. Hopefully you’ll have another full night’s sleep again.