As if two parties wasn’t enough, Janie had one more birthday party today with her Bay Area friends and family. So many of her little friends came to celebrate!
Second cousins Theo and Sadie came up all the way from San Jose.
She had her afternoon snack with buddy Keenan and shared her sweet potato with him.
The cheeksters shared some puffs before going back to playing.
Jack helped Janie blow out her birthday candle.
Birthday Cupcake a video by beakatude on Flickr.
Janie thoroughly enjoyed her cupcake!
What a fun mess she made!!
She had fun with all her uncles and aunties. Uncle Ryan is funny.
Aw…so sweet. She gave a sideways huggy hug to Auntie Stephanie.
Buddy Rowan made an appearance and seemed to enjoy the cake too.
Zoe brought her folks, Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Eleen, to the party.
Uncle Jason and Auntie Jia also stopped by at the end of the party.
Look at all the presents she received today. What a lucky girl.
Thanks to everyone for celebrating with us!