

This is what bedtime looks like lately: blankie, GG, Big GG or Elephant, and on the sofa.  Eventually when she’s tired enough, she’s willing to sleep in her bed – most nights.  Other nights, she’ll wake up and end up on the sofa for the rest of the night.  This week, she’s been sleeping on the sofa with Mommy because she’s been sick and coughing.  Mommy’s exhausted.

Here she is rehearsing her numbers and letters with her Brown Bear book.  I swear this is why she wakes up in the middle of the night.  Her brain is constantly running. In case you can’t understand what she’s reciting, it starts out with 1-10 in Mandarin and then it transitions into a mumbled version of the ABC song.


Fortunately for us, she fell asleep on her own in her bed about 10 minutes after this video was taken.  Ah…maybe I can get some rest tonight.

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