This morning before the wedding, Janie played and played until the very last minute. Her first stop was the beach. I think yesterday’s experience with Mr. Ocean was positive enough for her to walk right out onto the sand without a single whimper.
So we sat by the water and had some pineapple and spam musubi for breakfast.
Once she was done eating, she happily played in the sand with waves crashing in front of her.
With it being only 8am, we almost had the whole beach to ourselves. It was a nice quiet morning at the beach. Mommy was so proud of her progress with Mr. Ocean.
After the beach, we went back to the hotel room to wake up Daddy. We made a little spot for her on a towel where she enjoyed a snack and some Blue’s Clues.
Uncle Huy came by that morning and we had coffee by the Infinity Pool before grabbing an early lunch.
Then it was back to the beach again and Janie actually stepped into the waves with Daddy today!!
What a big girl!! She was able to stay calm even with the bigger ones that went higher than her knees.
Here’s a video clip of some of the action.
Just before going back up to the hotel room to wash up for the wedding, Janie went for a dip in the pool with Uncle Huy.