Cal Academy

Today, we went to the California Academy of Sciences. We got a family membership so we could get Amelia and family in too. Amelia brought her backpack today since Janie had hers yesterday. So cute.

Janie also brought her camera and took lots of photos of the creatures. Peanut used his toy phone to copy her.

Peanut enjoyed seeing all the fish. He was barely able walk the last time he visited the museum.

I can still remember when it was SO hard to convince Janie to touch the creatures in the tide pool back she was Peanut’s age but now it’s no big deal.

It’s also fun to see how different Peanut is since it took him absolutely no convincing.

Before heading back to the East Bay, we all stopped for soft serve at the truck outside the museum.

For dinner, we took Auntie Amy for some tasty crab at Hang Ten Boiler.

At the end of the day, Peanut and Ellie gave each other hugs. They had a fun time together these past two days.

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