Messy Dinner

It was time for a bath this evening so it was the perfect opportunity for a messy dinner.  As an OT, I’ve encouraged parents for years to allow their kiddos to get messy during mealtimes at least a few times per week for good sensory development.  Well, it’s finally my turn with my own baby and it was so much fun!  So, Janie sat in her chair with just a diaper on and she got her own spoon while I fed her sweet potato.

Her hands were in the bowl and she loved chewing on the spoon.  I think she thoroughly enjoyed it and and ate most of her food at the same time.

Here’s a video of the sweet potato action.  She sometimes gags herself with the spoon but it’s all part of learning to eat.  As you can see, it doesn’t really stop her from playing.  Click here if you can’t see he video above.

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The Spoon

Looks like Janie loves her new spoon.  She tries to help me put it in her mouth and then tries to grab it out of my hand.

When I handed it over to her, it went straight to her mouth and she loved chewing on the silicone end.  It probably feels good on that incoming tooth.  She also got to play with the food a bit and it looks like she doesn’t mind the mess.

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First Solids!

Today was a big day for us!  It started this morning when we decided to give Janie her first taste of food.  So I took her to the Farmers’ Market and we picked out two organic sweet potatoes.  When I handed her one, she looked a little skeptical.

Here she is with her brand-new bib on and seated in her feeder seat attached to one of our dining chairs.  She has no idea what’s about to happen.

Here’s a video of her first bites.  Yai and Ta were on FaceTime at the moment so you can hear their comments along the way.  Click here if you can’t see the video above.

I think she liked it but she seemed more confused than anything else.  She ended up eating about a tablespoon of my homemade pureed sweet potato today.

Here she is at the end of the meal with sweet potato on her face, hands, and even a little in her hair – the picture of a successful first meal!  Clean up was pretty easy today but I am NOT looking forward to her poops tomorrow.

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Feeder Seat

This weekend I took out the feeder seat that we’re going to use for when we start Janie on solids.  She’s sitting up better now so it’s great to have her up in a chair with a tray that can hold her toys.

This morning, we tried it out and it fits perfectly.  Since she enjoyed sitting in it so much, I thought it would be fun to call Yai and Ta.

She looked like she was taking a conference call. Love it!  Maybe we can schedule some future virtual babysitting soon!

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Double Eyelids

We knew that Janie would probably get the coveted “double eyelids” since both of her parents have them but we didn’t think it would happen so soon.  The left one came in last month off and on and just tonight I noticed both at the same time while she was taking her bottle.

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4 months

Our Little Janie is 4 months old today!  This was an exciting month filled with travel and transition.  Janie took her first trip on a plane to Hawaii, went on her first camping trip, had her first trip to Napa, and Mommy and Daddy switched roles.  Janie now weighs 17 lbs, 4 oz. and she’s big enough to ride in the big girl stroller.  She has also started doing some fake sitting but she hasn’t quite mastered rolling yet.

She’s using her hands and eyes together to inspect her toys more closely including her beloved giraffe.  I’ve found her manipulating the giraffe around to suck on the different parts and then back to the pacifier.

She’s also trying to hold her bottle but not quite there yet.  Socially, she’s been smiling more and has had a few giggles.  It looks like we have a serious baby with a silly side too.  Perhaps she’s a mix of our two personalities.  Janie’s been a lot chattier this month and has gotten much louder too.  Hoowee!  What a month!

Happy 4 months, Baby Girl!

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