Janie was in the mood to make smoothies so she made a list, did some shopping, with Mommy, and was ready to make them on her own!
Voila! It’s a very thick mango, banana, orange smoothie!
Watch us grow!
Janie was in the mood to make smoothies so she made a list, did some shopping, with Mommy, and was ready to make them on her own!
Voila! It’s a very thick mango, banana, orange smoothie!
What a fun week it has been and now it’s the last day in Hawaii for us.
As usual, the kids were up early to have one last dip in the ocean before washing up and packing all our things.
Until next time!!!
Peanut made sure to have his Southwest airplane in hand when we took off.
We had dinner with Auntie Yoon, Uncle Kurt, and Trevor tonight. The kids had a front row to the giant volcano fire.
What a fun evening!
What a beautiful morning we had today!
The kids loved stand-up paddleboarding so much the other day that they convinced Dada to rent one again today.
They went out pretty far today but didn’t see any turtles this time.
Janie also got to try it herself and took a little passenger with her.
The rest of the day was spent at the beach playing and swimming.
Today was a rest day from the sun. It was also Toni and Thomas’ last day in Hawaii.
On our walk to the food court, we saw a Mama duck and her ducklings going for a walk too.
The kids love going up and down this escalator at the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center.
At the food court, we got a special treat at Kokoro Cafe. It’s called a Shaka-Boom: waffle shaka filled with chocolate sauce and topped with Dole Whip and rainbow sprinkles. Yum!
We also spent the afternoon in our room. The kids had a fun time together.
For dinner, we went to another food court and got one last family photo together before Toni and Thomas left for the airport.
We got up early and rented a stand-up paddleboard right outside our hotel. They were so excited to see a sea turtle swim by while they were out there!
We had breakfast at Eggs n Things today. So happy it’s open for business!
Peanut got a strawberry waffle. Look how big that is!
Janie got chocolate chip pancakes. Yum!
With Hawaii’s strict rules about having no more than 5 people at a table, we’ve been giving the kids their own table when we are all together. They did a great job staying entertained and also managed to eat most of their food.
The International Marketplace looks a lot different from before the swanky remodel but the kids enjoyed exploring it anyway.
Here is one of the original banyan trees that was kept at the property.
The boys also gave this crazy car a “test drive”.
Peanut was up early and found a way to quietly entertain himself while everyone was sleeping.
He got hungry so we went for a Mama/Peanut walk to the ABC Store to buy Spam musubi and other little treats.