KK left Mama a little note this morning.
Making Scrambled Eggs
KK has gotten really good at making scrambled eggs. She learned from her Daddy and uses SO MUCH BUTTER. But they’re really yummy!!
In the afternoon, Auntie Yoon dropped us off at the Sheraton Waikiki. When we checked in, the front desk upgraded us to an oceanfront room. WOW!
The kids couldn’t wait to hit the beach so that’s what we did after dropping off our things.
The evening sunset was so pretty from the lanai.
The kids drew their version of our afternoon. So funny. I like how Janie’s drawing is of Dada on the beach saying “This is relaxing.”
We had dinner at the foodcourt nearby and the kids got their first shave ice for the trip.
School is the best!!
Science Lesson
This was Peanut’s science lesson today.
Little Chef
Peanut helped Mama make dinner today.
Octopus Lunch
Janie helped make lunch today. She sliced the hot dogs and cooked them on the stove to turn them into octopuses.
They were added to the ramen that Daddy made for them.
Janie had a science assignment this week. She had to build a cart that would go down a ramp and travel 3 feet.
She also had to present it to her class over Zoom.
Here was our test run the night before.
Peanut also did some work in class today.