We made it! The year of Zoom, Google Classroom, crazy schedules, 2-hour classroom instruction, and masks is over. Hellooooooo Summer!
Final Days
There are only a few days of school left and the kids are pros at using Zoom now.
During class, everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to all the June and July birthday kids in the class.
In math, Peanut is learning how to measure things.
Letter to Teacher
Peanut made a card for his teacher today. The front was a drawing of an airplane.
Inside, it says “Thank you for teaching me math, science, and letters.” He also included a drawing of a butterfly.
Earhart Playground
Today we rode bikes to the school playground and someone was already inside so they opened the gate for us. The kids enjoyed playing on the big kid playground and wall ball with Dada.
There was also a game of dodgeball that I think Dada enjoyed a little too much.
9th Birthday
Today is KK’s birthday!! She turns 9 today and I tend to get sentimental when the first born has a birthday.
She opened her gift from Auntie Jia and Uncle Jason and loves her new scooter!
In the morning, she went to school and found her desk all decorated. They also had a digital birthday wall with messages left by her classmates.
We also went to dinner at Trabocco for a tasty birthday meal.
The chef came out with a birthday treat and sang “Happy Birthday” to her.
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl! We love you!
New Ride
Dada’s electric scooter arrived and the extra handles were installed for Peanut. They will be riding to school on this thing. Wish them luck!
School is the best!!
Science Lesson
This was Peanut’s science lesson today.