6 Months

Janie is 6 months old today!!!  Crazy, right?!  I went to Target today and browsed the baby clothes section and was blown away by how tiny the newborn clothes were.  How quickly I’ve forgotten how small Janie used to be!  I must say that these past three months have been so much fun and this past month in particular has been very exciting.  Here are some highlights:

1. Rolled from her tummy to her back for the first time.
2. Mastered sitting for brief periods without support.
3. Got her first tooth and then the second one a week later.
4. Ate her first solids (sweet potato)!
5. Endured her first cold.

These are some pretty big milestones and there are a lot more to come.  She’s now wearing her 6, 9, and 12-month clothes depending on the style and brand of the clothes and enjoying her toys a bit more each day.  She’s also a lot more interested in Koa these days and watches him or reaches out for him when he walks by.

To celebrate this special month, I bought her a little cupcake and lit a candle too.  Too bad she’s not old enough to eat it but until then I will just have to enjoy it for her.  🙂

Happy Half-Birthday, Baby Girl!  We love you so much and look forward to the next half of your first year!

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It’s official!

Today, we went to City Hall and the Office of Vital Records to pick up Janie’s birth certificate.  I filled out some paperwork while we were still in the hospital but it wasn’t going to be ready until 4 weeks after her birthday.  When we got there, there was no line!  Yay!  Within 5 minutes, Janie had her birth certificate in her hot little hands to show off to the world.

We also took her around San Francisco City Hall for the first time since this is her birth city and all.

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One Month Celebration

Today, our baby girl turned one month old.  I can’t believe we’ve reached this point already!  To celebrate, we went out for dim sum and invited all her local aunties, uncles, and future playmates.

The food was tasty as usual and it was fun to see all the kids and their parents around the table.

It was a warm, sunny day so some of us walked to the restaurant together and back. Janie stayed awake for the whole stroller ride.

Here’s a photo of the three of us together.  Janie couldn’t be bothered to pose for the photo.  Apparently, the skylight above was far more interesting.

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